V8 in the Vending Machine?!

If you visit the vending machines as much as we do, you’ve probably noticed that there have been some changes. In the past couple of months, various canned and bottled beverages have had their time in the vending machine near Anderson Gym. However, one specific drink has caused the most uproar within the Breck upper school community: V8.

After Bubbl’r and even Celcius, it’s safe to say that for most students, seeing V8 appear in the lower slots of the vending machine was cause for commotion. In order to have a fair perspective on the drink, we decided to sample it and hear feedback from other students about their thoughts on it taking up valuable real estate. First, the taste test. After trying the drink, it’s fair to say that it definitely tasted like something other than black cherry. The label on V8 states that one can provide a serving of fruits and veggies, and you could certainly taste it. The first sip brought with it the familiar taste of tomatoes, or tomato juice, along with a faint carrot juice flavor. If you’re lacking fruits or veggies in your diet and enjoy the taste of vegetable juice, it’s safe to assume you would like the V8 energy drink. However, for the majority that doesn’t care to feel like they’re drinking a tomato, we wouldn’t recommend it. 

For some insight on what other students think about the drink, we asked Darby Zoia ‘24 for her opinion on V8 in the vending machine. Darby stated, “It is disappointing to see vegetable juice take the place of a much-needed Bubbl’r.”

 Although the flavor isn’t necessarily satisfying, V8 is a great way to get in some extra energy on slower school days and overall an okay alternative to the famous Celcius and Bubbl’rs.